On January 23rd, 2023, we held in Barcelona the 2nd transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ THE VALUE OF FACING SCHOOL. The partnership met to analyse the development of the intellectual outputs and to plan the following dissemination and evaluation activities of the project.
During the meeting, Fundación Isabel Gemio and Universidade de Évora presented the progress they have made with the methodological guide INCLUSION AND EQUITY IN SCHOOL. Some of the learning inclusive methodologies that this intellectual output will explain are learning through project and universal learning design and gamification. In order to offer a general overview of topics such as inclusivity and accessibility, the partnership will also portrait the legal framework for parental participation in inclusive education.
In the second half of the meeting, every entity described the Open Educational Resources they have developed. This second intellectual output of the project will include, questionnaires, books, list of recommendations, role-plays, and many other activities that will help teachers, students, and parents to enhance the environment of the classroom and to get the most out of blended learning.
All the intellectual outputs and the activities carried out by the Erasmus+ project THE VALUE OF FACING SCHOOL, co-funded by the European Union, will be available on the web platform of the project, that will be available soon. Follow us on social media and don’t miss anything.

Entradas recientes
- Fundación Isabel Gemio organiza nuevos eventos multiplicadores
- Fundación Isabel Gemio holds new multiplier events
- Podcast «Deporte y Salud: El Valor de la Inclusión»
- Podcast «Sports and Health: The Value of Inclusion.»
- Fundación Isabel Gemio holds a new multiplier event in the Representation of the European Commission in Spain’s venue to present the Erasmus+ project THE VALUE OF FACING SCHOOL