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First transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ THE VALUE OF FACING SCHOOL

The Erasmus+ THE VALUE OF FACING SCHOOL held its first transnational meeting in Rome on October 24th, 2022. The meeting room was placed at the Telethon Fondazione’s office, which it’s one of the entities that support the research of rare diseases in Italy and Europe. During the meeting, the partnership reviewed the progress of the methodological guide INCLUSION AND EQUITY IN SCHOOL that will focus on topics such as digitalization, inclusive pedagogies, and collaborative working methods. Aiming to make a change in educational methods to students with rare diseases, this guide will offer a complete overview of the situation in the different countries involved in the initiative. 

Similarly, the partnership will develop a set of Open Educational Resources that will help teachers to create an inclusive environment; allow students to identify the barriers that face children with special needs; and provide parents with new mechanisms to communicate with the school board. The partnership has also developed a web platform for the project, and has created profiles on Instagram and Facebook, to share the latest news of the initiative. Follow us to know more information about it.

This initiative is co-funded by the European Union.